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Causes and technical treatment of PCB circuit board manufacturers encountering poor solder mask
Visit: 1612    Date: 2021-06-12
Printed circuit board manufacturers should all face the problem of poor printing of the ink in the solder mask process and then have to waste manpower to wash the board and reprint such a rework step, which is very time consuming and the supply of the board. So how do PCB circuit boards avoid this dire problem and how do you deal with faulty circuit boards that have already occurred? Let's look at the relevant answers together.

When the customer who bought the circuit board asked the circuit board supplier to deliver, did they hear the supplier's response that the delivery time was delayed and the problem was that the solder mask process had to be washed and repeated again? Generally, this type of problem occurs for a specific reason: for example, PCB blistering, ink peeling, poor ink quality, etc. can cause errors in the PCB solder mask process and we can all avoid these errors. , But why is there a problem?

In fact, circuit board manufacturers need to remove the stains and dust that remain on the surface of the circuit board in the early stages of the solder mask, otherwise the circuit board is prone to ink bubbles and partial oxidation.

The peeling of the ink during the solder mask is an afterburning process when the solder mask is finished. This process is used to bake the circuit board at a high temperature. This happens when the baking time is too long or the temperature is insufficient some kind of nasty problem. To avoid this problem, you need to set the baking time and temperature precisely.

If the quality of the ink is not good enough, the ink is easy to fall off or other bad problems, so when choosing a PCB manufacturer to work with, you need to know the supplier of their raw materials. And we, Tongchuangxin, are all well-known and powerful circuit board manufacturers in material selection.

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Shenzhen Tongchuangxin Electronics Co., Ltd.
Contact: Lucky Yan
Tel: 86-755-32906324
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Email: sales1@tcx-pcb.com

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